If you're advertising free WiFi, you should provide travellers with a fast and stable connection, it's a huge factor in how likely a guest is to leave a good review or return.
Guests will always expect stable, fast WiFi in their room, allowing them to check their emails, stream TV to their various devices and contact their family & friends during their stay.
The last thing you want to do is give a guest access to your own home WiFi without proper setup, with a WifiData network you can keep their device isolated from other devices on the network.
Every guest that connects to your WiFi is another opportunity for a booking thanks to the data that you're able to collect with each and every sign in to the network.
Track individual device usage and set limits if you need to, meaning you don't have to worry about excessive streaming or downloads.
If you're able to provide fantastic WiFi access, it's very likely that your guests won't hesitate in return. WiFi's quickly become one of the main factors in deciding on a place to stay for guests.
Planning on giving incentives for guests to return? You can make sure that these incentives are targeted correctly to provide the impact, thanks to the data gathered by your WiFi system.