Great food, great drink, great WiFi. Nowadays they're all an important part of the Gastro Pub experience, and customers expect no less.
Make sure your guests are happy and able to access everything they need with fast & reliable WiFi, thanks to intelligent access point positioning and a stable network.
Serving up fantastic food? Have an interesting new drink on offer? Guest's love sharing what they're consuming and it can only work to your benefit to aid them in doing so!
Wouldn't it be fantastic to know more about your guests, so you can make sure your marketing's going to interest them and bring them back? WifiData allows you to do just that!
Select your logo, your colours and your background image, giving a unique, official feel to your restaurants complimentary WiFi.
It's becoming essential that gastro pubs offer good WiFi, customers simply won't return if you don't, if it's slow or if it drops.
Your WiFi's a valuable marketing asset, with the data that it collects being ready to instantly use to promote new offers, menus and more.